Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Concert Wishlist

   Judging from my last entry, I'm clearly running low on ideas and creativity at the moment. Therefore, I shall resort to the lowest form of journalism: lists. This list is my concert wishlist; bands that I haven't seen live, but want to before they retire, or I'm too old.

1. AC/DC. I only own two AC/DC albums, but one of them is AC/DC Live, and it really captures how fun an AC/DC show seems to be. I've also seen plenty of live clips of the band, and they've still got it. Their setlists are mostly filled with the hit songs, which is perfect for me, as I consider myself to be a pretty casual fan. I know that Bon Scott was the original singer, I know they're Australian, and I can name most of the band members. But I don't know every song, and only have two albums. Maybe seeing them live would make me an even bigger fan. And if not, I'd still love to hear Thunderstruck live.

2. Aerosmith. The window to see Aerosmith play live is shutting quickly, it seems, with Steven Tyler signed on to American Idol, and Joe Perry growing increasingly more frustrated with Tyler's lack of commitment to the band. So my desire to see Aerosmith is somewhat conditional. If the stars align, and Steven Tyler changes his mind about playing Toys In the Attic, or Rocks, or one of their good albums in their entirety, instead of crap like I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing, I'm on board. If not, well... at least there's still those good albums to listen to. And Joe Perry is still passionate about the music, so if Aerosmith calls it quits, there's still the Joe Perry Project.

3. Alice Cooper.  I've been kind of obsessing over Alice Cooper lately, having finally bought some of his classic albums recently. And he's been touring with Rob Zombie, which would be double plus good, as I'm a big White Zombie fan, and Rob's live shows are still fun (though his last solo album was pretty horrible.) Alice is the king of the theatrical concert stage show. Nearly every modern shock rock band owes their career to Alice. I'd love to see him before he calls it quits.

4. Anthrax. I'm a pretty casual Anthrax fan, so I probably wouldn't go out of my way to see just an Anthrax show, to be honest. But they're playing with Megadeth and Slayer at the moment, and that would be one hell of a show. Unfortunately, the closest they're playing is Hampton, about a 2 hour drive from Richmond, and it's a weekday show. Maybe someday I'll catch them, preferably with other good bands on the bill as well.

5. Avail. They're a local favorite, so their shows seem to sell out very quickly. Their last album was in 2002, and by all accounts, they're in an indefinite hiatus, leaning more toward definite than indefinite. Still, it'd be cool to catch a piece of legendary Richmond punk rock history in concert.

6. Bad Brains. Another casual fandom band for me, as I only have one album thus far. And their heyday is long past, admittedly, but still... it'd be cool to actually see H.R. sing as fast as he can, and to hear those classic songs, and experience real punk rock royalty.

7. Beck. I just think he'd put on a really fun show. I'd have to familiarize myself with his more recent music though, unless he plays Odelay top to bottom...

8. Blind Melon. Even without Shannon Hoon, those are some great songs. And the new singer is very capable, judging from the Youtube videos. An under-appreciated band, for sure. Which makes me think I could catch a show for a reasonable ticket price.

9. Blue Man Group. I actually have their first album, and I really like it. I think they'd be a blast to see live.

10. Blur. It seems like Blur never really got the appreciation they deserve in the U.S. I've liked their music for a long time, and I'm a little disappointed that the focus has shifted to members' side projects, such as Gorillaz. But they're still together, which means I still have a chance to hear them play songs like Country House and Charmless Man live someday. (Ok, I'd rock out to Song 2, their biggest U.S. hit, as well, I won't lie...)

11, Buckethead. Released from Guns 'n Roses before the new album even came out, which sucks. But it should mean that he has time on his hands. Time to tour. He's played Richmond in the past, but I couldn't go, unfortunately. Hope I get another chance.

12. Busta Rhymes. I'm not a huge hip hop fan, and I've never been to a hip hop show. But I am a Busta fan, and I think he'd be pretty fun to see. I have to experience a hip hop show at some point; why not Busta?

13. Cake. I've missed them a few times, and that bums me out. Everyone that I talked to that went said they were great. I believe it.

14. Cannibal Corpse. They played with Marilyn Manson and Slayer, and I went... but we got there too late to see Cannibal Corpse, unfortunately. They're another one of those "experience" bands; a band that I want to experience to see how it is. I'm a fan of the music as well, and they're a Buffalo band. Being from Syracuse originally, they hold a place in my heart.

15. Chicago. Chicago IX Greatest Hits was one of my absolute favorite albums as a kid. I know the lineup has changed ad infinitum, but hearing 25 or 6 to 4 played live would be one of the greatest moments in my life, no matter who's playing it.

16. Children of Bodom. One of my favorite "new", i.e. modern, metal bands. And yet they still don't seem to get the love they deserve. Maybe it's difficult for them to play in the U.S., but if I get a chance to see them, I'll take it.

17. Eric Clapton.  Chances are slim, as Clapton tickets are pricey and highly coveted. And the closest he seems to come to Richmond is Washington, DC. But if he plays mostly hits, and I believe that's what he does, I'd love to see it someday.

18. Courtney Love. I had a chance, and I had to pass due to lack of funds. I would prefer a proper Hole reunion, with Eric Erlandson and Melissa Auf Der Maur, and Samantha Maloney, if not Patty Schemel. But if I can't have that, I'd love to see Courtney. I think she's a great artist, and a great singer. And I love those songs.

19. Cranberries.  I love the Cranberries. Not sure if they're still playing shows, but if so, I hope to catch them sometime.

20. Dropkick Murphys. I missed them a couple of months back, but I'd love to see them play.

21. Flaming Lips. Their shows look like a blast.

22. Fleetwood Mac. A guilty pleasure, for sure, but hearing Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks play Landslide and Big Love would be life changing. But talk about pricey and coveted tickets...

23. Garbage. Shirley Manson. In person. Do I really need another reason? Fine. Butch Vig. And great songs.

24. Gojira. Another of my favorite "new" metal bands. Another one that doesn't seem to tour the U.S. much...  

25. Henry Rollins. I had tickets, but couldn't go. Ideally, it'd be to see him play music, either with some form of Black Flag, or Rollins Band. But it seems like he's moved on from music, and I'm ok with that. I have a bunch of his spoken word albums, books, and dvds, and even though our political views differ, I'd love to see his stand up show. He always has great stories.

26. Iron Maiden. They alternate between hits tours and most recent album tours. I'd need to catch a hits tour, though the most recent album is pretty good. Anyway, they're a great band that I haven't yet seen. I hope to change that, if they ever come further down than Baltimore or DC...

27. Jackyl. Chainsaws and metal? I'm in.

28. Judas Priest. Again, preferably on a greatest hits tour. But they're a legendary metal band, and they're still rocking.

29. Kittie. I've had a few chances to see them, and I've had to pass each time. I still want to though.

30. Leftover Crack. I'm not actually sure if they're still together, or playing shows if they are. But if they are, it'd be a fun show to catch.

31. Les Claypool. I was fortunate enough to see Primus this year, finally. So technically, I have seen Les Claypool live. But now I want to see him solo, with one of his many solo bands. They tend to be a little more jam band than the weird metal that Primus plays, which means more bass and experimental freedom.

32. Meat Puppets. I had a chance to see them on my birthday, years ago.But I had final exam the next day, so I couldn't. Also had a chance to see them more recently, but again, schooling got in the way. Someday the fates will align, and I will see them. I LOVED their most recent album, Sewn Together. I MUST see them.

33. Megadeth. Pretty much the same deal as Anthrax, though I'm a bigger Megadeth fan, and would see them play by themselves.

34. Melvins. Not a huge fan, but I'd like to see them. Especially if they play with Jello Biafra again.

35. Metallica. I used to be a huge Metallica fan. My fandom has wained in the last few years, admittedly, but they still play mostly their best songs. I'd rather see them with Jason Newstead, but that won't happen, and Robert Trujilo is a great player in his own right. There's still enough fanboy in me to want to see them.

36. Nada Surf. Not sure if they still tour, but if they do, I'm in.

37. Neil Young. I like Neil Young.

38. New York Dolls. Great band that still delivers. If only they'd deliver themselves to Virginia...

39. Nine Inch Nails. Another doubtful scenario, and not just because they're on indefinite hiatus from touring. Still, I'd like to hear those songs.

40. Phish. An experience for sure, as I'm admittedly not hugely familiar with their music. But their shows seem like a good time. Thousands of stinky hippies can't be wrong.

41. Pixies. They're back, and I'm stoked. Especially since they've been playing Doolittle, my favorite Pixies album. But alas, nowhere near Richmond. Yet.

42. Radiohead. They've scheduled two Virginia shows in the last 10 years or something, and they've both been rained out/cancelled. So, I'm not holding my breath. But, I'm a big fan. So I will still hold a hope.

43. Rammstein. Well, my mom has become a big fan... which is weird and disturbing. Still, Rammstein would be fun. Especially if I could somehow see them in their native Germany, with the fire show intact.

44. Rancid. I dig 'em. Would like to see them live.

45. Sepultura.  I'd really only be interested if Igor and Max return. Which I doubt will happen, but if it did, I'm on board.

46. Smashing Pumpkins. Again, only if there were a full on reunion. Which will probably never happen.

47. Sonic Youth. Great band. Never seen them.

48. Stooges. Unlike most, I really liked The Weirdness. They're a legendary band, and I must see them.

49. They Might be Giants. They did play here fairly recently, so there's a chance. It'd be a nerdy good time.

50. Violent Femmes. Not sure if they're still doing shows. They were scheduled to play here years ago, but it was inexplicably expired. Hopefully they'll do a make-up date at some point.

51. White Stripes. Meg's cute in my opinion, so that's a reason. But they also play good songs, and decide their playlist as they're playing, which keeps things unexpected and interesting. 

52. X. Another band that I'm not sure still plays shows. Exene was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis recently. But if they do, I'd love to see them.

53. Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I really liked their first ep. Lost track of them after a couple of albums, but they seem like they're a good live band. 


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