Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Top 3 Creepiest Scenes from Horror Movies

  I listen to a podcast called Shitty Movie Night. It's basically a group of friends who sit around and discuss, well, shitty movies. It's a really fun podcast, and you should check it out if you're at all interested in bad movies. Anyhow... They started doing a question of the month for their listeners, and October's question is, what one scene from a movie creeps you out the most? I couldn't choose just one. I have three.

1. The Spider Walk scene from The Exorcist: The Version You've Never Seen

There are a few different versions of The Exorcist; hence the "The Version You've Never Seen" subtitle. It was released years after the original version, and it contains deleted scenes and added footage, and an alternate ending. Oddly enough, "The Version You've Never Seen" is the only version I've seen. And my first time seeing the film was at a midnight showing in a local old movie theater called The Byrd Theater. Which is really the perfect setting for a movie like The Exorcist. Although the chairs are pretty rough... Anyway, The Exorcist really creeped me out. I had to act tough, as I was there with a group of my female friends (one of whom, my now wife, I was trying to impress) but I stayed up until around 5 am after watching it, because it creeped me out. The spider walk scene was cut from the original, allegedly because it was too terrifying for audiences. The more likely reason is because it didn't really flow with the story. But that's what made seeing it so creepy; it comes out of nowhere, lasts only a few seconds, and is completely bizarre. The upside down, sped up walk is scary enough, but it's capped off with her spitting up blood. And to see it for the first time, not expecting it, on a big screen was really unique and memorable.

2. The "blood orgy" scene from Event Horizon

It's a little difficult to talk about this scene without spoiling the movie, but I'll try. In a nutshell, a reconnaissance team is sent to an abandoned ship to try to find out what happened to the first crew. Eventually they find recorded footage from the original crew's log, though it's very distorted and unclear. It sounds, at first, like the crew is saying "liberate me," or "save me." But eventually the technology wizard on board is able to restore more of the footage, and they discover that the crew was really saying, "liberate me ex inferis," or "save yourselves from hell." I saw Event Horizon in the theater when I was a teenager, and for some reason, this scene really got under my skin. I think it's the combination of the Latin words, which are creepy in and of themselves, mixed with the discombobulated gore, shot in a way that you really can't see what's going on; you just know that it's bad. Really, really bad. And then after all of the disorienting craziness, the crew member holds his eyes in his hands, like it's no big deal, and recites Latin. Creepy... 

3. The final scene in Sleepaway Camp

It's pretty much impossible to talk about this scene without spoiling the entire reason to watch the film. At any rate, this is the final shot in the film. And as you can see, it's creepy. Even without sound, or video footage, it's creepy. And it holds on this shot for over a minute, then it turns into a negative of the shot, in a green tint... and that makes it even creepier. What's even creepier? This is a mold of the actress' face, put on top of someone else's body. Because it doesn't move like a real person, it's even creepier, especially since she's making noises like a feral animal in this scene. In general, Sleepaway Camp isn't a very scary movie. In fact, it's pretty goofy. But this last shot really makes it a legit horror movie. 

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